Redeem Your Digital Download Card

Please note:

This download page is for redeeming download cards only. If you are wanting to redeem a download code from the back of a physical CD, please use this link:

Instructions for saving the music files to your device.

1) Click the "Redeem Code" button for the appropriate album and enter the code on the back of your download card.

2) Save the zip file to your device (Take note of the location where the zip file is being saved. You can usually find it in the “recent” folder or “download” folder).

3) Extract the music files by clicking on the zip file. You should now have a new folder with the name of the album and the individual mp3 files inside it.

4) Move the album folder to your music folder if you like.

5) You can now delete the zip file if you like.

6) Open your music player (Youtube Music, iTunes, etc) and your music player should now recognize the new music files.

7) Enjoy the music!

Any questions, please feel free to contact me at:

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Stephen Bautista Music is a Christian music ministry that seeks to enlighten the lost and encourage the found with original, Christ-centered music. Listeners enthusiastically describe their music as very relatable, moving, thought-provoking, and with a clear Gospel message.

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