Stephen Bautista Music is a Christian music ministry that seeks to enlighten the lost and encourage the found with original, Christ-centered music. Listeners enthusiastically describe their music as very relatable, moving, thought-provoking, and with a clear Gospel message.
Vocals, Guitar, Songwriter, Producer
Stephen is at heart, a songwriter, but is also an accomplished vocalist and guitarist. His musical style has often been compared to that of James Taylor, with lyrics that are not only well-crafted, but convey a clear Gospel message.
Marissa is Stephen's second oldest daughter and has been singing with him since she was 16 years old. Not only does she continue to lend her vocal talents to the music ministry, she is also a very talented artist who has her own art business called The Art of Marissa Renée.
Stephen Bautista Music is a Christian music ministry that seeks to enlighten the lost and encourage the found with original, Christ-centered music. Listeners enthusiastically describe their music as very relatable, moving, thought-provoking, and with a clear Gospel message.
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